Got Goals? Stop and do this first.


We hope you’re ready for a dose of motivation, because it’s a good one.


Ok- so who has set their 2021 New Year Goals!?  Let us know below if you have! AND let us know what your #1 goal is!


If you’ve set your goal – congratulations! That’s awesome.


Now … what do you have to do to make that goal happen?


  • Do you have to create a phased plan with a spreadsheet in Google Docs to track your progress?
  • Buy a new pair of running sneakers?
  • Go shopping for a workout outfit or a blender?
  • Spend hours researching the best supplements?


All of those things are great … but NONE of them will make your goals happen unless you do something else FIRST.


You have to actually TAKE ACTION toward the goal itself!


One big example: If you want to get in shape, you have to workout.


Getting some new workout clothes is great, but they won’t get you into shape.


A lot of us get hung up on the prep and the details when going after a goal …. but sometimes never even end up getting started in the first place!


Sure, buying a new workout outfit can be a lot of fun!


But the problem comes into play when we spend more time on the things AROUND our goal instead of taking true action on the goal itself.


The strange thing is, it can LOOK and even FEEL like you’re taking action … but you really aren’t.


We can fall into this cycle because we feel overwhelmed, worried we’re not going to do the right things, or if we aren’t 100% ready to make a commitment to ourselves.


Do you know the quote, IMPERFECT ACTION is better than PERFECT INACTION?


It’s so true!


If you find yourself caught in the cycle of constantly preparing …. but not taking action, just DO ONE THING toward your goal.


  • Go for a 5-minute walk …
  • Choose an apple instead of a cookie …
  • Do some squats while you’re watching Netflix …
  • just do SOMETHING.


You’ll feel SO MUCH BETTER once you begin taking those actions.


Which leads us to a question: What can you do today to move yourself closer to your goal?


Just one thing! Leave us a comment.


And if you want a plan of action AND someone to hold you accountable to taking daily action that works with your life, schedule, and goals, we can help.  Schedule your Success Strategy Session today.


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