Type A Personality? Here are 4 Tips to Thrive in Corporate America with Better Health, Less Stress and More Confidence


Corporate America tends to attract the Type A personality… maybe some of these traits ring a bell with you? There is no judging by the way…all 17 applied to Randy & I when we were building our careers, technologies and companies (truth be told, they probably still do)!


17 signs you’re a little (or a lot) Type A:


  1. Waiting in long lines kills you a little bit inside.
  2. You never fully disengage from work.
  3. You’ve been described as a perfectionist, overachiever, workaholic or all of the above.
  4. You bite your nails or grind your teeth.
  5. You’ve always been a bit of a catastrophist.
  6. You have a serious phobia of wasting time and feel that things are never quite finished.
  7. You’re highly conscientious.
  8. You frequently talk over and interrupt people.
  9. You have a hard time falling asleep at night.
  10. People can’t keep up with you — in conversation or on the sidewalk.
  11. You put more energy into your career than your relationships.
  12. Relaxing can be hard work for you.
  13. You have a low tolerance for incompetence.
  14. You’d be lost without your to-do list.
  15. At work, everything is urgent.
  16. You’re sensitive to stress.
  17. You make it happen.


All of these traits are REVERED in Corporate America…seriously, you get stuff done so you get more responsibilities! More responsibilities mean higher expectations, more travel and more demands, which means less time for self-care. Less time for self care results in worse health. And while you’re smart enough to see this happening, you don’t see an issue with it.




You’ve been building your career and putting off your health, and now you are getting one (or more) of these signals it’s time to take action:

  • You have high cortisol and stress-eat (or drink).
  • You are tired of being overweight and out of shape.
  • You are competing against younger and stronger rivals.
  • A family member or colleague close to you became very ill.
  • Your doctor gave you a negative report about your health.
  • In college you were athletic, but now you feel pathetic.
  • Aches and pains that used to be minor now make it difficult to get out of bed.
  • You look in the mirror and wonder what the hell happened?
  • You don’t have time to be sick — you are vital to your business / company.
  • You’ve lost the passion for what you do and why you’re doing it.
  • You might have to deal with a significant illness as you get older.
  • Your fuse is getting shorter and shorter; irritability is your go to emotion.
  • Your energy levels are non-existent; you’re lucky to make it through the day without a significant sugar or caffeine infusion.


While it might feel like you’re on a hamster wheel that you can’t stop or get off, there are things you can do to improve your health. Here are four tips that can help you feel better and lead with more passion. The best part? With help, they don’t have to take up a lot of time.



Tip 1: Fitness


In addition to the heart, muscles, lungs and bones, scientists are finding that another major beneficiary of exercise is the brain. Recent research links exercise to less depression, better memory and quicker learning. Studies also suggest that exercise is, as of now, the best way to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s, which is second only to cancer as the disease Americans fear most.


And you don’t have to spend hours at the gym or be held hostage to a personal trainer’s schedule. 30 minutes of exercise – at home or anywhere – is sufficient.


Tip 2: Nutrition


There is SO MUCH INFORMATION available when it comes to nutrition. Most of it is confusing at best and misleading at worst. The media prefers to gain readers rather than objectively report on the science. Trying to figure it out on your own can be a HUGE time waster.


Truth is, nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated. Just use common sense and eat real food. Eat it in the right portion size and macronutrient balance to see and feel amazing benefits.


Tip 3: Build Leadership Skills & Confidence


The discipline of improving your fitness & nutrition in addition to controlling the small portion of time needed to do so builds an inherent self-confidence. In addition, these things will impact the way you look and act, and the way others perceive you. Feeling better will help you lead better at work and be more present in all areas of your life.


Tip 4: Focus on Aging Well


Implementing sustainable healthy habits early on is proven to increase your quality of life in your latter years, so you don’t retire all beat up and sick. We assume enjoying life AFTER Corporate America is a big goal too? Tying all of this together into long-term, sustainable habits is key.




Fitness and nutrition are keys to good health and they are inextricably related to your long-term success as a leader in Corporate America.


However, KNOWING what to do and having the tools to successfully IMPLEMENT them are two very different things.


The key to your success is to make implementation simple, stay motivated and accountable, and maintain high levels of performance when obstacles get in your way, which they always will.


Corporate America is relentless for the Type A Personality – you’re connected 24/7 and there are constant demands on your time. We understand that. We’ve been there.


Want to learn more?

Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.

That’s why we work closely with ExecLevel Wellness clients to help them improve their health… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.  We believe that how you feel greatly impacts your ability to lead and age well in all areas of life.

Our next Boot Camp is starting soon, join us!








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