6 Dangerous Myths About Stress Type A Professionals Need To Know


Today we want to share 6 dangerous myths about stress that are super popular and most likely holding you back from managing your stress or even contributing to your stress levels! Once you know the truth you’ll be better equipped (and more motivated!) to manage it.


We know a lot of you are feeling some pressure …being a type A professional or entrepreneur means you’re ALWAYS putting pressure on yourself to rise to the challenge and conquer every obstacle.  And then jumping right into the next one without taking a break.


… and we also know a lot of you think you should just toughen up and “push through it”.


We know this because that’s what we used to do. 


Spoiler alert: You can’t do it. That’s because stress isn’t all “in your mind.” It’s also in your body. 


This is where ExecLevel Wellness differentiates itself from ALL the other health & wellness companies out there…we understand how stress impacts you all the way down to the molecular level.  


Stress has been linked  in many research studies in exacerbating very real physical illnesses — everything from heart disease to Alzheimer’s disease. Reducing stress can not only help you feel better, but also live a longer, disease-free life.


Let’s look at some of the common myths surrounding stress.


Myth 1: Stress is the same for everybody.


Stress is not the same for everybody, nor does everyone experience stress in the same way. Stress is different for each and every one of us. What is stressful for one person may or may not be stressful for another; each of us responds to stress in an entirely different way.


For instance, some people may get stressed out paying the monthly bills every month, while for others such a task isn’t stressful at all. Some get stressed out by high pressure at work, while others may thrive on it.


This myth is dangerous because people around you may not understand WHY you’re so stressed when the issues you’re stressed about are no big deal to them. They may downplay your stress and even make you feel bad for having it. The danger in this is ultimately stressing important relationships.


Myth 2: Stress is always bad for you.

According to this view, zero stress makes us happy and healthy. But this is wrong – and potentially dangerous. If you have zero stress in your life you likely have zero motivation or desire to do anything. 


Stress in and of itself is not bad (especially in small amounts). So while stress can be the kiss of death or the spice of life, the key is to understand how best to manage it. Managing stress makes us productive and happy, while mismanaging it may hurt us and cause us to fail or become even more stressed.


Myth 3: Stress is everywhere, so you can’t do anything about it.


This one is SUPER dangerous – especially to type A personalities. We think stress is just a normal part of life. We might even wear it around like a badge of honor – I know I did! Stressed out people are busy, important people…everyone who isn’t a stressed out mess doesn’t have enough to do. 


Here’s the real deal…


You can plan your life so that stress does not overwhelm you. Effective planning involves setting priorities and working on problems / issues / tasks that matter.


When stress is mismanaged, it’s difficult to prioritize. All your problems seem to be equal and stress seems to be everywhere.


Myth 4: The most popular techniques for reducing stress are the best ones.


No universally effective stress reduction techniques exist.


We are all different — our lives are different, our situations are different, and our reactions are different. A comprehensive stress management program that you can adapt to your situation works best. 


Myth 5: No symptoms, no stress.


Take a Xanax and you’ll feel better.  Yes, but an absence of symptoms does not mean the absence of stress. In fact, camouflaging symptoms with medication may deprive you of the signals you need for reducing the strain on your physiological and psychological systems.


Many of us experience symptoms of stress in a very physical way. Feeling anxious, shortness of breath, or simply feeling run down all the time can all be physical signs of stress. Feeling overwhelmed, disorganized and having difficulty concentrating are common mental signs of stress. There are MANY ways stress can show up and you may not be recognizing them as stress.  


This one is dangerous because you will just keep pushing and pushing until a major symptom shows up.


Myth 6: Only major symptoms of stress require attention.


This myth assumes that the “minor” symptoms, such as headaches or digestive issues, may be safely ignored. Minor symptoms of stress are the early warnings that your life is getting out of hand and that you need to do a better job of managing stress.


If you wait until you start feeling the “major” symptoms of stress (such as a heart attack), it may be too late. Those early warning signs are best listened to earlier rather than later. A change in lifestyle to deal with those early warning signs will be far less costly (in time and economics) than dealing with the effects of not listening to them.


We are on a MISSION to help over 40 high level professionals and entrepreneurs to conquer stress so that they can live their best life. Download our FREE guide REJUVENATE: 24 Techniques to Beat Stress.

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Medical myth busters: 5 things you probably didn’t know about stress

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