Sugar: The Sneaky Saboteur of Your Wellness Journey


It’s time to unravel the mysteries of the oh-so-tempting, oh-so-tricky world of sugar. Imagine this: you’re at the crossroads of life after 40, armed with dreams of thriving, defying aging, and conquering the world – but there’s a mischievous culprit in your midst, stealthily undermining your aspirations. Yes, we’re talking about sugar, the sly saboteur of our health.


This sugar stat caught us by surprise… and we thought we already knew a LOT about sugar.


👉Eating just 100 calories a day of sugar (which is about 25 grams of added sugars, or 6 teaspoons) is linked to 45 DIFFERENT negative health outcomes.


Here’s a quick rundown of how much (or how little!) sugar that is:


  • 1 cup (250 ml) of chocolate milk
  • 1 cup (245 g) of sweetened yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp of honey
  • 2 Tbsp of maple syrup
  • 2 Tbsp of regular ketchup
  • 1 small glazed doughnut
  • 2 small cookies
  • 1 small candy bar


And just for clarification — that’s not all of those things combined. Each one of those items contains about 25 grams of added sugars.


Now there are EXTREME cases of beverages containing much more than the 25 gram limit above, for example:


  • 1 can (12 fl oz) of Coke: 39 grams of sugar


  • 1 can (12 fl oz) of Mountain Dew: 46 grams of sugar




The average American adult, teenager, and child consumes about 17 teaspoons of added sugar a day, or about 270 calories.  While we sometimes add sugar or sweeteners like honey to food or beverages, most added sugar comes from processed and prepared foods. The leading sources of added sugars in the U.S. diet are sugar-sweetened beverages, desserts, and sweet snacks like ice cream, pastries, and cookies. Less obvious yet significant contributors are breakfast cereals and yogurt.


In addition, there are close to 60 different names for added sugars so you REALLY have to look closely at the labels!


PLEASE NOTE: the type of sugar we are focused on — are those added during the processing of foods; packaged as table sugar and other sweeteners; and naturally occurring in syrups, honey, fruit juice, vegetable juice, purees, pastes and similar products. This does not include sugars naturally occurring in dairy or structurally whole fruits and vegetables.


Here are some of the negative health outcomes linked with a high sugar intake:


  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Some types of cancer (including breast, prostate, & pancreatic)
  • Gout
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Tooth decay
  • Death


In a study published in the BMJ earlier this year, researchers recommended eating less than 25 grams of sugar a day AND keeping sugary beverage intake to less than 1 a week (about 200-355 ml or ⅔ – 1½ cups).


So what should you do about this?


It’s true: Quitting sugar cold turkey can be tough. Also, swearing off ANY food is unsustainable for most of us.


At the heart of our nutrition programs, there’s a passion for helping you conquer those sneaky sugar cravings that can throw a wrench in even the most dedicated wellness journey. We’re all about making it simple, sustainable, and oh-so-satisfying.


Picture this: savoring a dessert that’s not just delicious but also kind to your body. We’ve mastered the art of swapping out those sugar-laden treats for their healthier counterparts – think guilt-free cookies, nourishing smoothies, and delicious snacks that won’t compromise your goals.


But hold on, we’re not saying goodbye to dessert. Oh no, quite the opposite! We believe you should be able to enjoy the sweeter side of life without the sugar crash aftermath. It’s like discovering a secret treasure chest filled with delectable delights that nourish as they satisfy.


So, yes, you can absolutely have your cake and eat it too – just with a twist. It’s all about crafting a new narrative for your taste buds, one where you can relish every bite, knowing that you’re treating your body right.


With simple nutrition plans and swaps that stick, we’re here to guide you toward a world of more dessert, less guilt.


Say goodbye to those nagging sugar cravings and hello to a new era of wellness that’s as sweet as it is sustainable. Let’s embark on this journey together, and let the flavors of health and happiness unfold.


When you purchase a Total Solution Pack you will receive access to TWO lifestyle nutrition plans. We will help you choose the one that is right for you and your preferences! Place your order using the image below and we’ll guide you the rest of the way.

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