3 Simple actions with big payoffs – We call them “Future Focused Actions”


Today we are going to share our personal “future-focused action steps” that YOU can use to create big health and fitness returns in your own future.


We know we are all out there hustling every day, building our careers and families, and lives. We’re busy living for today!


The future can seem far away.


But the truth is, the future is so much closer than you think!


Here’s something to think about: The future is literally the sun coming over the horizon every morning! Every day gives you a new opportunity to make your future bigger and brighter.


What you choose to do today can have a huge impact on tomorrow. And these choices don’t have to be big or painful.


→ This week we’re challenging you to identify and commit to taking THREE FUTURE-FOCUSED ACTIONS.


These are things you can do two or three days a week that will propel you to greater success – not just for TODAY – but over the long term.


We are not talking about huge, life-changing measures here.


Rather, think in terms of small actions that pack a big punch!


Let us show you what we mean.


Stress is an unfortunate reality for most of us – and is pretty much unavoidable these days.


And even though we can’t – and don’t necessarily want to – change the realities that cause us stress …


I know that how I choose to deal with it can make a huge difference in how I feel now AND how it affects me over the long term.


Taking healthy steps to manage my stress will help to fill up my “personal retirement bank” in the future.


So here’s my three-step action plan! (And you’ll build yours based on what YOU need in your own life.)


FIRST, I’ve decided I’m going to add a short, leisurely walk to my schedule three times a week. Not a long walk–I’m talking 30 minutes, max. And not a fitness-focused walk, either! My plan is not to focus on fitness but instead just to BREATHE, clear my mind, and let go of any stress.


SECOND, I’m going to make it a point for these walks to take place OUTSIDE. That’s because experts tell us that NATURE has tons of stress-reduction benefits. Studies show that spending time outdoors can

  • reduce inflammation,
  • improve mental well-being, and
  • even help us to sleep better!


Plus, being outside means getting some natural vitamin D from the sun. This is great for you in small doses! Vitamin D can even boost your immune system, which definitely plays a role in how your body responds to stress.


FINALLY, during my walk, I’m going to skip any outside noise (no music, podcasts, etc.) and instead listen to the sounds of nature! The sounds of wind blowing through the trees, birds chirping, or the crackling of leaves can help you release tension.


To repeat, here are my three actions:

I’ll be de-stressing by

1 taking short, leisurely walks

2.outside a few days a week while

3. listening to the soothing sounds of music or nature


It sounds simple … because it IS.


But these small walk breaks make all of the difference and will pay off now — and in the future!


What three actions will YOU commit to today for a brighter tomorrow?


What are three simple things you can integrate into your life to make it even better?


Tell us about them below!


If you want more ideas about how to stay healthy through your lifespan, we’ve got an excellent resource for you! It’s our brand new, Healthy Aging: How to Rock Your 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. It includes information and tips for making healthy choices during every decade of your life!








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