The Truth About Willpower


Let’s talk about WILLPOWER for a second. This is going to blow your mind…


Defining willpower


We have many common names for willpower: determination, drive, resolve, self-discipline, self-control. But psychologists characterize willpower, or self-control, in more specific ways. According to most psychological scientists, willpower can be defined as:


  • The ability to delay gratification, resisting short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals
  • The capacity to override an unwanted thought, feeling, or impulse
  • The ability to employ a “cool” cognitive system of behavior rather than a “hot” emotional system
  • Conscious, effortful regulation of the self by the self



So, let’s talk about this…


One of the things people ask us about a lot is WILLPOWER, because they think they don’t have enough of it if they’re not hitting their goals or they keep having to start over.


Makes sense, right?


But here’s what’s wild about willpower.


It turns out that those people who told us they think they don’t have enough of it …

actually MIGHT NOT have enough of it … but only because they think they don’t have enough.

Say what?


Let’s go back to the 1990s for a second. That’s when scientists came up with a theory they called “ego depletion.”


Under that theory, willpower is considered a limited resource.


And, if you’re tired, stressed, or have made a ton of decisions during the day, you’re more likely to run out of willpower.


And THAT sets you up for skipping your planned workouts, deciding to order takeout instead of eating a healthy home-cooked meal, or anything else you think you use willpower for.


But, flash forward to TODAY… NEW research suggests that ego depletion may only apply if you believe in it.


So, that means if you BELIEVE you will run out of willpower, you probably WILL run out of willpower.


Pretty wild, right?


But this is actually good news.


It means you can take back control over your actions — and STOP relying on willpower!


Here’s one way to do that: the next time you feel like you don’t have willpower, go into PROBLEM-SOLVING MODE.


Ask yourself: Why do you feel like your willpower is slipping?


In other words, why do you want to eat that takeout food or skip that workout?


  • Is it a schedule problem?
  • A planning problem?
  • Are your expectations too high, too soon?
  • Are you tired?
  • Are you stressed or upset?


Here’s a real-life example from one of our clients! She noticed that every Thursday night, she was feeling extra-tempted to order out instead of eating at home.


After she did some thinking about it, she realized the problem: Thursday was the day she ran out of her planned & prepped meals for the week.


The solution: Set aside a little time on Wednesday to restock her kitchen so she has healthy food in the house.


Nothing is more motivating than feeling like you’re making solid progress — and the way to keep moving forward is to keep solving those problems!


One thing we like to focus on with our clients is owning their own personal power when it comes to reaching their goals. If you want more of that, you might be a good fit for our From Stressed to Best Boot Camp.


Click the picture below to learn more.




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