8 real-life habits to become more resilient


Here’s something most people don’t realize: resilience is a HABIT, not a trait.


And today, we want to get REAL on the mindset, habits, and actions you can take to become more resilient.


This month we’ve been talking all about building your “bouncebackability” or resilience, and today we want to leave you with 8 habits you can practice to build that resilience muscle so it’s nice and strong the next time life gets in the way of your goals.


One thing we love about these habits is that they just plain FEEL good — and when you stack them together, you feel unstoppable.


We’re keeping it short and sweet and we hope you take away a few of these to start putting into your routine TODAY. You won’t regret it!


Ready?  Here are your 8 real-life habits to become more resilient


  1. Practice mindfulness. Two examples: meditation or deep breathing.
    Start with just 1-2 minutes and build up to 10 once or twice a day. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s all about your intention when you sit down to breathe.


  1. Create “down” time. Some examples: make time for activities that help you relax, like hobbies, reading, playing music, or gardening.


  1. Get fitter. Regular exercise lowers stress, boosts your mood, and raises your self-esteem. Get on it!


  1. Eat a nutritious diet. Feed your body what it needs: whole, nutrient-rich foods; and cut out processed, sugary, and “junk” foods. This one is a real game-changer.


  1. Sleep. When you’re rested, you are better able to handle everyday stress. Also, something to keep in mind: when you’re asleep, it’s your body’s time to flush out the toxins that have built up in your brain during the day. No wonder you wake up feeling refreshed after a solid night of sleep!


  1. Build social connections. Connecting with others can help you feel supported and less alone. This one is a biggie for a lot of us. Reach out to at least one person today for a check-in! You’ll be surprised at how great it can make you feel.


  1. Practice positive self-talk. This helps you shift your focus to what’s possible in your life, instead of dwelling on the obstacles standing in your way. When you notice the voice in your head getting negative, turn it around into a positive action you can take.


  1. Make time for reflection. Reviewing your progress and accomplishments can help you appreciate how far you have come — and give you firsthand evidence of your strength and determination.

What items on that list can YOU do today to boost your resilience?


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