Our #1 Rule for Effective Fitness Programs


This month we are helping you get back to basics with fitness and moving your body. We believe a good fitness routine is the ONE THING you can do to instantly improve your stress levels and overall quality of life!


It’s all about effective, time-tested ways to get strong, get fit, and feel great.


The fact is, working out does so much to make your body FIT and HEALTHY from the INSIDE OUT.


It literally helps make you healthier from the top of your head to your toes, affecting everything from your:

  • brain function and circulation to your
  • digestive system,
  • hormones,
  • mood,
  • stress and immune response,
  • not to mention your heart and lungs!


We thought it would be interesting to talk about THE KEY POINT of what it REALLY takes to get into great shape and experience all those benefits. …


You’ll find this has takeaways that translate to all areas of your life!


OK … Are you ready for the REAL SECRET of fitness?


It is that there is NO secret!


But if you want results, and to attain real fitness that lasts a lifetime, there is actually a RULE – which is that KEY we mentioned before.


Before we get into the answer, we want to share two things with you.


First, we are about to release our latest ebook, The Beginner Quick Start Guide to Exercise for Busy Professionals. It outlines all of the basics of getting in shape, in a practical way that will get you on the road toward real results.


It includes the

  • benefits of fitness,
  • workouts,
  • strategies, and success tips,
  • plus a 7-day workout plan you can follow.


It’s a great way to jumpstart your way back into the swing of things!


Second, we want to give you a quick refresher on the 4 basic pillars of fitness, which are covered in the Beginner Guide to Exercise for Busy Professionals.


The four pillars are:

  • strength,
  • stamina,
  • flexibility and
  • molecular wellness.


Your body and health benefit from all four components!


Well-rounded programs include exercises that:

  • challenge your muscles so they get stronger,
  • work your cardiovascular system so your endurance improves,
  • help your joints and muscles work through a full range of motion, keeping you feeling limber, balanced and mobile.
  • help your cellular healthy by improving many, many biochemical systems in your body for optimal health.


Our ebook includes workouts for all four, so definitely check it out.


OK … so now for the answer to the question of the No. 1 rule for fitness programs …


Have you guessed what it is?




Working out on a regular basis will do more for you than cranking out a few long, hard workouts every once in a while.


Seriously, it’s much better to do a little less, more often than it is to do long, grueling workouts for a week or two and then give up! Do you agree?


You’ll get better results, more health benefits, and plus you’ll feel better in the long run!


That’s a triple win.


That’s why we advocate starting with slow, manageable steps that you can easily work into your daily lifestyle! That way you aren’t overwhelmed.


You can always build up your routine over time, as you start to feel the results of your workouts.


Consistency is a big part of success in EVERY area of your life. It just takes showing up and putting in some effort, on a regular basis.


Chances are you can think of a couple of areas in your life where you’ve put the power of consistency into action already –

  • at work,
  • or with your family and relationships,
  • or even with a hobby or skill you enjoy doing, like playing a musical instrument.


If you make that happen with your workout routine, you (and your body) will love the results.


And as we said, you will FEEL the benefits, in terms of

  • energy,
  • mood,
  • stress
  • and overall fitness.


If you are looking for help in being consistent (aka with ACCOUNTABILITY!) with your fitness routine, that is our SPECIALTY.  Your first step is to download the Beginner Quick Start Guide to Exercise!





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