Time Saving Benefits of Morning & Evening Routines


THE MOST popular question we get as health Coaches:


“How do you stay motivated?!”


People are always shocked by our answer: we don’t rely on motivation, we rely on our routines.


The problem is, there’s a popular myth that morning and evening routines have to be time consuming and complicated so most people assume they are already too busy, stressed and overwhelmed with their current schedule to build them.


Let’s bust that myth so you can reach your goals faster!!


Creating and following a routine is the number one way to save time in daily life. Daily routine simplifies work and eliminates delay. 


Your morning and evening routines work together to set you up for:
✅ a GREAT day and
✅ a RESTFUL NIGHT of sleep.


When your routines come together, you feel unstoppable.


You feel less stressed, you get better results, and you can even reach your goals faster.


With solid routines, living a healthy lifestyle can even seem EASIER.


Over time, your routines become a habit, which means they become practically automatic. You no longer have to rely on sheer grit, discipline, and willpower.



1. Reduce and possibly eliminate procrastination


The act of procrastinating involves delaying or suspending tasks to be completed. At some point or another, we have all struggled with procrastination. Procrastinating can be a drag on our productivity as we waste our free time and delay important tasks.


When we have solid morning and evening routines in place we are less likely to procrastinate because we JUST DO the things we need to do to reach our goals.


For example, let’s say you want to workout and you have a program you are following so you build that into your morning routine. There’s no uncertainty or taking a long time to decide WHAT workout to do, HOW LONG it’s going to take or even waste time trying to DECIDE IF you even what to do a workout today. You have decided and prepared so you just do it. On auto-pilot.



2. Help you Keep Things in a Regular Place


It is easier to focus on things that compete for your time when you have fewer things. Develop the habit of placing the items you regularly use in your morning and evening routines in one place and placing them there after you’ve finished using them.


For example, keeping all of your morning and evening supplements in the same place will save you time and help ensure you take them daily. You could place all of your vitamins and supplements into a daily pill box so you don’t have to think about them or spend time putting them together daily – they are ready to go and convenient.



3. Routines Help Get Rid of Distraction


Prioritizing your healthy routines help you stop wasting time on all of the distractions.


For example, completing your morning routine BEFORE you log into your computer, pick up your phone or watch the news can save HUGE amounts of time not to mention set you up for a more focused, productive day!


4. Routines help you stop multi-tasking


Solid morning and evening routines require you to say “no” to multitasking.  When you begin multitasking, you cannot focus on any one task, so many projects staying incomplete…including that morning workout you had planned!


A strong morning and evening routine designed to help you achieve your goals ensure that you’re doing the right things to completion every. Single. Day.



Other Benefits of a Morning & Evening Routine


Besides the time saving benefits, having routines benefit both psychological and physical aspects of your life.


1. Prepare Yourself for the Rest of the Day

How you spend the morning will influence the rest of your day. If you start feeling rushed or lazy, expect that sensation to remain with you. A morning routine, however, gets you on track from the moment you wake up and puts you in the right frame of mind.


2. Feel in Control

When you have many commitments, it can feel like you’re rushing through one task to the next. Your day starts to control you, rather than the other way around. A morning and evening routine may cover just a small part of your day, but it could be a step toward helping you regain control.


3. Lower Stress

Stress often occurs when you feel like you lack enough time to complete all your responsibilities or you worry about what needs doing next. When you have a routine, you always know exactly what you should be doing and what follows. You can complete your entire routine without even thinking. Plus, you’ll know that you have enough time to finish everything without rushing.


When you reduce stress, you improve both your emotional and physical health.


4. Develop Healthy Habits

It may be tempting to hit the snooze button or to stay in bed with your phone instead of getting up immediately, but these habits waste your time. When you have a routine, it’s much easier to avoid bad habits and to develop healthy ones. You may start eating a healthy breakfast, practice mindfulness, or even make time to exercise in your morning routine before work.


Such healthy habits will carry over into the rest of your life. You may well find that you start eating better, exercising more often, or wasting less time on your phone in general.


5. Boost Your Energy Levels

The reason many people hate mornings is because their energy levels are low early in the day. Most people are sleep deprived.  A great thing about morning and evening routines are that it can increase your energy, especially when you give yourself the opportunity to get good quality sleep and prepare for the day ahead.


If you want an extra energy boost, include a high-intensity workout, meditation, or cold shower in your morning routine.


6. Improve Relationships

There are several ways something as simple as a morning and evening routine can impact your relationships. The big one is lowering stress. It is common to take out stress on a loved one, even though the person may have nothing to do with your frustrations.


When you reduce stress, you’re less likely to snap at someone.


A morning and evening routine will also mean that you’re more accessible to your family, which is critical for improving relationships. When you’re better organized, you have more spare time to spend with family members.


7. Improve Your Confidence

With strong morning and evening routines in place you’ll feel more calm and collected and you will naturally feel more confident. Plus, better time management will mean you accomplish more, which can also improve your self-esteem.


8. Learn to Be Flexible

Your morning and evening routines are just the beginning and ending of your schedule. It’s normal that things won’t always go exactly as you hoped, meaning you’ll need to adapt. Sticking to your routines as often as possible is great, but you’ll also need to learn to be flexible if something unexpected happens. Learning to adapt your routines around such events will train you to be flexible in other aspects of your life.




Download your copy of the Good Morning, Good Night Routine Building Guide to help you start your days feeling cam and in charge – and well on your way to reaching your goals.


Yes, it is absolutely possible (even with a crazy busy schedule). And it’s achievable without having to wake up at 4 am to follow an elaborate 20 item morning check list!


This is normally part of our From Stressed to Best Boot Camp, but today it’s yours for FREE. Click the picture below for free, immediate download – no opt in necessary!




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