The True Health Benefits of Exercise

  Exercise. It can improve your health on all levels. We’re not just talking about being fitter and stronger. We’re talking about overall health and longevity.   Regular exercise improves your heart health, brain health, muscle and bone health, diabetes, and arthritis. Beyond those, it also reduces stress, boosts moods, increases your energy, and can[…]

Type A Personality? Here are 4 Tips to Thrive in Corporate America with Better Health, Less Stress and More Confidence

  Corporate America tends to attract the Type A personality… maybe some of these traits ring a bell with you? There is no judging by the way…all 17 applied to Randy & I when we were building our careers, technologies and companies (truth be told, they probably still do)!   17 signs you’re a little[…]

Fitness Programs

Any fitness program worth undertaking is able to align your ability, devotion, goals and resources with proper training, motivation, diversity and effectiveness. In short, a good fitness routine is as active and responsive towards you as you are towards it. Accordingly, there are many things to consider when choosing fitness programs. What is the Intent[…]

The “Fitness Paradox”

The “Fitness Paradox” is a vicious cycle. It starts with not having enough time to effectively research a fitness routine, which leads to low gains when working out and correspondingly longer workout times.  It ultimately returns back on itself, with trying to find an efficient routine. Obviously, the cycle is oversimplified, and does not include materials[…]


Over the years, we have found fitness one of the most critical components of well-being. At first, it was ad hoc – going to the gym semi-regularly, hiking when weather permitted, water skiing occasionally, etc. At the time (at age of mid-30’s) these random workouts were considered good enough, however they came with a few[…]