How to get unstuck when you’re stressed + 5 ways to know if the Stressed to Best Program is right for you

    Have you ever felt so stressed and overwhelmed that it feels like everything is holding you back from reaching your goals?    Whether it’s with fitness, at work, or maybe something with your family, or anything in your life?   Have you ever felt like you were stuck? Like your tires are spinning[…]

Decide. Commit. Succeed. Top 50 Reasons We Recommend Team Beachbody Tools

*Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.   At ExecLevel Wellness we help our “type A” over 40 high level professional & entrepreneur clients conquer stress and take back control of their health using stress management[…]

Stoixeion Spotlight: Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you research, design and formulate Stoixeion when there are so many supplements already on the market?   As over 50 active, healthy adults we could not find a supplement on the market that met our needs that made sense scientifically for: Ergogenic aid (gives a mental or physical edge while exercising or competing)[…]

Aging Is Inevitable…Feeling Old Isn’t

    Aging is a complex process that varies as to how it affects different people and even different organs. Most gerontologists (people who study aging) feel that aging is due to the interaction of many lifelong influences. These influences include heredity, environment, culture, diet, exercise and leisure, past illnesses, and many other factors.  […]